Combines leaking Shoe on N6


Pete, Remember the old saying,"We reserve the right to make changes in engineering,design,and specifications at any time without notice or obligation.".Well unfortunetaly this is one of them.I believe it was in 1985 or 1986 that a seal was added to front of shoe sides to eliminate grain leaks.I have put on several sets to stop this grain leak also. Thanks for the vote of confidence above. Have a Safe Harvest! Hyper Harvest II


Hey Pete I thought you were going to retire. Did you miss all the funIJ Just last winter I replaced the seals on my R60 shoe. The one on the bottom was torn so I figured it was a good time to replace all of them. It was a good experience but I doubt that it reduced crop loss. Tom in MN


Depends on what your definition of retire is. Actually, the neighbor asked me if he could rent my machine this fall so I went down get him started and never got around to letting him run the machine. Plus he was too busy running the grain cart and watching the dryer. I am begining to think that he never intended to rent it and knew once he got me in the combine it would be next to impossible to get me out. He knows me pretty good huhIJ Pete