Either machine will make an excellent choice. 2001 was the first model year for the R series rotary lexion combines (485R). The two machines in question, are they both 485R's or is one a 485 and the other a 485RIJ If 485 vs. 485R, the differences are the cab (interior styling and control improvements),choppers ('03 models equipped with the new widespread chopper) and the engines. The 485 is powered by a 365HP 3176 Cat engine and the 485R is powered by a 400hp (31hp buldge) 3196 or C-12l Cat engine, each rated at 2100rpm. Both models are comprised of the same threshing system (the tri-cylinder APS system with pre-separation cylinder and pre-concave) and twin-rotary separation system with sprial flighting the full length of the rotors for huge separation performance. The original high performance chopper has been replaced with a new widespread chopper for spread up to, and beyond 30' when specially equipped and properly adjusted. Both would make a fine choice if operated with a 1230'cornhead and F30'flexhead or even going to a larger 36' draper head for soybeans and wheat. As far as what to watch for on either machine, check all maintenance records. There really is no problematice area on either one. As long as accurate and quality routine maintenance is performed and the machines are operated with keen combine savvy, either machine should last a surprising long while.