Combines looking at getting a 8010


Where do you live. I wanna move there. Here it will NEVER pay for itself...even if a 20 year warranty was thrown in


Canuck: We need lDP badly in Canada for our corn(and other similar programs to those offered stateside). This is the second year I have lost money growing 150 bu_acre bushel corn. Tell me how you can make money at Canadian $2.37_bu (todays price)when it costs you at least from $3.00 to $3.60 Canadian depending on how much you pay in rent for the land. There are no programs for crops here in Ontario and we are losing our shirts growing crops. That is why we import a significant percentage of the corn used in Ontario. That is also why the OCPA is raising hell about the returns here in Ontario. Going stateside, if you get US $1.60_bu off the field and then get US $1.60 from government programs, that is much better. I could live quite well on US $3.20_bu ($3.80_bu Canadian). Even worse look in our own country at Quebec. They get well over $3.00 Canadian for their corn. There are no programs in Ontario which pushes us out of growing corn next year. Beans and wheat while better will have to do. It needs to be made an election issue, and I know the OCPA will be lobbying the major political parties. Maybe a few good tractor parades wherever the liberals are making major political speeches will draw the political attention to the losses being incurred in growing crops. Ontario is a pretty discouraging place to be growing crops.


We live in Kansas, I'm telling you its the best place in the world to live, We raise 240 bu corn, land prices are cheap, natural gas is somewhat cheap, fertilizer is abundant, cattle feed yards are everywhere, everything is perfect here, we are getting filthy rich. I can't spend the money fast enough. Maybe if you were as good as farmers as us, you could raise better corn. You just need to raise more corn per acre. looks like 90 bu an acre to get even. Heck, thats 180 bucks an acre just to move south 1000 miles. Canada has their share of problems I would agree, some of them self induced some of them not. Most canadians would agree they don't have the weather to raise animals in confinement and that is where a big chunk of our basis comes from, yeah our gov't is wonderful, they lie to us about the size of crop we are raising which influence price the whole year, then in short years they trickle the actual numbers out to us slowly so we have no chance to take advantage of short supplies. The US gov't has cost us more money than they will ever give out and all for whatIJ Cheap food policy. Trust me, its not that rosy down here in the US, but I can't take a 1460 out and cut what needs cut and make things work. Dollar for dollar, acre for acre, there is a cost associated with harvesting crops and I would almost bet. . . .our operating costs on an 8010 per bu basis isn't significantly cheaper or more expensive than anyone else. Here are my numbers. Combine payment per year is roughly 54,750 bucks. Harvest wheat and corn mainly in the neighborhood of 750,000 bu per year. That to me is .073 cents per bushel harvested. Anyone disagree with those numbersIJ I could be wrong, I did graduate from a small high school. A very used combine is going to cost about 10,000 per year to do 100,000 bu of corn in somewhat of a timely manner. Thats .10 per bu, just for the harvester.


Yeah it's the cost per acre that what counts I put 10,000 arces thur my 2388 this year and if I can put less hours on a 8010 the cost would be cheaper


We ran 2388's at about 2800 bu per hour and the 8010 will do 4200 bu per hour all day long at 84 percent engine power used. My understanding is the 06's have 40 more hp and they have been redesigned a little from our 04 model. looking forward to getting a look at this new machine to see what other changes they have made on it. This could be as reliable as a 2388 with a few more changes, plus the wear areas are twice as thick. One area they need to address as far as being thick enough is the tailings processor area. We had a pretty major hole on the front of that area.


You don't have to tell me how tough things are getting George. I've been scaling down for the last 5 years and now its just an expensive hobby. Don't hold your breathe about any sort of subsidy. Actually subsidies or other"programs" are not a good idea anyways as they just give false hope and prolonged suffering. Apparently the US are scaling back on their programs, due to some national debt problems which may make things a little better here,but as always no guarantees. The biggest downfall is all the new and ever bigger farm equipment that can't possibly pay for itself. Machines have grown 10 fold in size since I was a youngster. At that rate we will only need one machine per county in another 20 years....wonder which guy is gonna get it and won't he be the hero at the coffee shop.


Boy you sure are down. Is everyone in Canada having this much trouble. I wish you luck,glad I dont live there I like to buy new iron.


No danger there, dumbfarmer! Canada probably has more donutshops per capita than anywhere in the world. My local town of 32,000 has over 14, with 7 of them being Tim Horton's shops; - a major donut chain here in Canada. Costs over $700,000 cash_equity just buy a franchise, and now they want each franchisee to own at least 2 or 3 stores!