I know of an outfit that may be close to you from north Texas. They run 2388 combines. If you are still looking I will give their phone number to you. They have been in business for twenty plus years with new equipment every year and a good customer and service record.
Hello there I am a custom harvester who would be interested. I just arrived home today from Idaho where we harvested 5000 acres of irrigated wheat. I have a slow time for about 3 weeks so if we could get together feel free to call Shawn at (307)851-1680 days or (307)856-6284 evenings..
Try these guys. They are from Canada and just left the Carrington, ND area. Five new 2388's and top notch custom harvesters. Sander Brothers Main 306-955-3640 Darren 306-241-3194 Garth 306-241-7674