Combines looking N6 why does it have a bad repIJ


With the acres you have, I'd look for something a little newer. I have a friend with an N7. Gets along ok with it but it takes a lot of maintenance. That's ok if you are mechanically inclined and have the time.


I bought an 81' N6 two years ago and am well satisfied with it after I upgraded the rotor with the upgrades found in the TIPS section plus helpful comments from people like Hyper Harvest, Hyper HarvestII and Dan Hurtt to name a few. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions on how I got along with my upgrades.


I bought an R60 4 years ago that is about as close to an N6 as you can get except the R has a Deutz engine. It hasnt given any trouble except for small things and it is even better since Hyperizing 2 years ago. You really cant go wrong with an N series if it has had some care. On the other hand, you can expect trouble with any used machine that has had the daylights beaten out of it. Tom Russell


Previously owned 1982 N6 series III. No major problems, but traded for 1990 R60. About three times the combine N6 was. Have corn and grain machine. looking to sell my R60. Please e-mail me for more information.


How do you check for restrictions. I periodically check my luberfiner to see if it is warm.