Combines loyal Deere Owners Getting Screwed


Not only are you being forgotten, you are getting the shaft. Deere and Co is counting on you loyal Deere customers to sit back and do nothing. This program is being offered to a select few JD dealers and is being controled totaly by JD. These programs are driving the values of 9000 series combines lower and lower. If you want a good deal, go buy a red one and trade it on the green. Better yet keep the red one. Deere is counting on it's loyal customers to sit back and do nothing about this program. It is time you guys sent them a message. If you would like details on the kind of deals the red owners are getting, just let me know.


What are the good deals the Case IH boys are getting when trading for a new DeereIJ


just a few examples: 2year old 2388 w_500hrs $32,000 with new heads


It seems to be in Deeres best interest to try to get a lot of STS out before their short comings become well known. Custom harvesters are having problems with the header drive gearcase, shoe losses due to poor or no adjustability, terrible horsepower shortages in wet fields. The real shocker comes when an auger finger or other foreign object go past the FAST and into the rotors. Once one of the tines is damaged, the rest of them and the whole separation guts are ripped out instantly. Not any tolerance for a steel fence post or farm yard brick.


If it makes you green guys feel better, rumor has it Case is going to be offering John Deere owners the same kind of deal on new Case combines that John Deere offering us Case owners. It may be something to ask your local Case dealer about.