Combines M2 Traction Drive


On our M we had to change the transmission fluid. I have never experienced the belt slipping but would not rule it out. Try changing the belt and mabe change the transmission fluid and observe for metal shavings when you do so.


T3, Quite a coinsidence that today I replaced the torque sensing cam box on my M2. The combine would slip as you described exactly. I have another M2 that I am parting out and robbed the unit. The tin cover on the bad one was loose when the driven hub was wide open. I am guessing that the spring was weak. Eliminated some vibration and works perfectly now. Also make sure there is a gap between the lower shieves when you have the VS as slow as it goes. Good luck, crowfarmer


Crowfarmer, Now that you mention it, the tin cover on the torque sensing cam box is also loose. loose to the point that you can here it in the cab. I'll check to see if mine can be rebuilt or replace. Thank you!! T3


Had the same problem as you described on our F3 during wheat crop this year. A belt that is older could be out of adjustment and the sides of the variable speed blades may touch when slowed all way down. If not the belt and the tension adjustment check the wear on the sheave bushing on the outside of the variable speed drive pulley. Ours had enough wear that it was trying to bind on the shaft even with proper grease. Checked spring box and it was O.K. Also make sure that spring box isn't clogged with trash and hard grease. Dealer told me he found that it could hold spring back or cause it to put uneven pressure and allow it to slip. Hope this helps.


To make transmission belt stop slipping -cut a shim washer out of 1_4 plate on a lathe the same size as spring and add to spring . I can spin dual rice tires.