Combines MacDon flixible draper for soybeans


I'd like to see that one running also. let us know who and where. Jungclaus Imp at Glencoe Mn have a 25' they demonstrated last year on a 8780XP Massey. They said that it worked best to go at an angle with it. All though they cost more I think they will gain popularity when can get the sickle to flex with the ground like our present flex heads do.


Just want to clarify that the MacDon does not have a cutter bar that floats like a conventional flex head. The whole head is jointed in two places, giving three sections that can follow ground better presumably. RR


Doug, I talked to McDon rep today, said he would call me when they do the Demo. Also talked to the Cummins Rep a farmfest, said they are useing the 8.3 liter 505 in applications to 400 Hp now. Wow! Didn't say how high they were pushing the m-11. Ron


The farmer who will be having a demo this September in soyabeans with the 1995 Gleaner R62, who will be attaching the MacDon model 972 harvest header. Does this combine have the new style header control system in the cab which is required to operate the MacDon header equiped with the float optimizerIJ


Have no knowledge of that, but if you email me, I can put you in touch with the man with that machine, as he lives less than 10 miles from me.