Combines Mice in Combine


I use a product called Cab Fresh most Ag dealerships carry it. It smells good but you must change about every 60 days as indicated on the box for it to be effective. I get my from Truelove Bros in Albion,IN. A lot of people use moth balls but i don't like the after smell they leave.


Dryer sheets, mothballs, perfume soaked corn have all been mentioned before on this site. Seems that anything sweet or aromatic smelling they dont like and stay away from.. I use mothballs mostly in a small tupperware(dont tell my wife)with a few slits in the top and seems to work pretty well. If you have the cab that ran thru 1991, open up the bottom of the overhead and take the panel off the filter area on the right side. Mice like cozy confined spaces that smell like pee.....Eliminate what you can that they like and they may not hang around.. If you have electricity close by, get an electronic pest chaser from your hardware type store, these will keep them away as well... They are one of nature's creatures, just need to find another place to live. Good luck


We make sure combine is good and clean before storage, especially area around cab air filter areas and any other penetration. We also use the Fresh cab scent pouches, put one in immediately after harvest, run combines through shop in January usually and add a fresh one, so far have had good luck, it dosn't hurt to keep cats in the storage shed as well, we feed and bed them in there as well with a small hole in the main door for them to get in and out.


On our M3 we dropped down the blower shroud. Also open and remove the cab filter. I also put rat poision in the cab next to the fuse panel. they got into our F2 one year and what a mess.


Have heard someone had Barry Manilow playing over and over and over drives them nuts . Clean open up what you can . nice smelling stuff I undo every tattletale module and let it hang ,cab filter out etc I take off outside panel to the control panel also. pengs5


The Barry Manilow also keeps the Old man away as well for you young guys info! with pesty fathers!!!!! :dgrin: Mice are the least of my problems here! I have a short haired Burmese Cat! fantastic on the mice and any rat that might be around, but she so good at cleaning them up she brings in Rabbits and hares to quench her appetite! and she leaves them in between engine fan and the radiator! can and has got messy!!! latest "fine" was on top of transmission! its about a week old............. any volunteersIJ Rolf


You mean Barely ManenoughIJ hahaha You have an 8 track player in your combineIJ lord I apologize for that and makin fun of them Pigmee's in New Guinne...


Dad would always turn a couple of big black rat snakes he caught around the farm loose in the Butler building where he kept the combine. He never seemed to have trouble with mice in the cab or anywhere else in the building but his "pet" snakes sure scared the hell out of a few people. lOl


I had tried just about everything until I ran across a solution for my RV and so I tried it in my combine. Buy some peppermint oil and soak some cotton balls in it and lay around in the combine. They need to be retreated every couple of months. I used to lock my MIl in the cab and give her a cell phone. It worked better that a Barry Manilow tape. One problem, as with mothballs, she left sort of a funny smell when I let her out. The peppermint oil leaves a much better smell, besides, for some reason my MIl doesn't come around much any more.