Combines Milo modsIJ SHOE OVERlOAD


When I put two sets of Dans Sweeps in the seperator side of the rotor that solved alot of ploblems in every crop. It gets the material out much faster without grinding it up. Not sure how much that will increase rotor loss for you. With my 98 R62 I was able to adjust the seperator grate and do the best job on milo I have ever done. I would be tempted to try the sweeps if grinding is your main problem.


Do you have the cylinder bars extended to dischargeIJ Make sure discharge is doing it's job. Good square edge chopper knifes or good knotched discharge paddles. Discharge paddles on end of rotor also should be in good enough condition to discharge material. Check condition of helicals. New chrome ones will stickup 5_8" from cage surface. New black iron ones 1_2". Putting wires back in may reduce load on shoe but likely more related to crop not flowing and getting ground up. Helical tricks to prevent second pass over concave and rotor sweeps will surely help you out a bunch. Sweeps should not move material to fast for helicals also act as a brake. Sweeps keep material spread nicely across cage surface promoting better seperation and they keep material moving. If you should have loss with sweeps when you don't have adjustable seperator grate you have the option of stationary rasp bar and some other tricks. I imagine they are long gone now but in '92 they sent distribution auger troughs along with machine to be installed if needed. You could of fastened one or two of them to move material further to the right before allowing to enter accelerator rolls. I'd hate to attack problem with added troughs. Here's something you could do to reduce material from right side from getting so far over and might help. look at right rear distribution auger area. There are a couple troughs next to each other and I think you should remove the left one. Move a peg from front auger to area trough was located. We took this trough out of all machines and company started leaving them out sometime around mid to late '90's. Good luck


I have every other bar extended all the way to the end and the half bar half paddles on the others. It has good notched discharge paddles. I also extended the helical into discharge area. I was considering the added trough to move material a little further to center. What would be wrong with this optionIJ Did they mount these on the machine somewhereIJ I'm not familiar with the sweeps but would be interested to see a picture of them.


Distribution troughs were stored under buddy seat in cab in '92. I would have parts guy check them out if you don't have time to get the sweeps. Get me your email address with request for pictures of sweeps and I'll get them to you as quickly as possible. Catch you later