We own and operate a CTS II which replaced a 9600. The CTS will run over a 96XX in barley and equal or exceed the performance of the 96XX in wheat especially when the yields get high and it will do all this while giving a consisently better sample, especially in barley. If you want to compare to the competition, the CTS has about the same capacity as a 2388. The CTS does use the 9500 platform. There some main differences between the 95XX and CTS besides the 2 rotors. The CTS used a 9600 front axle, was factory equiped with grain tank extensions to boost the capacity to 240 bu (same as 96XX),and the power was boosted to the same as the 96XX. Keep in mind when I say CTS, I am refering to the CTS II and 9650 CTS. Problem is JD really never gave the CTS a chance. The CTS in a 96XX body would have had some major capacity. The CTS was mainly a small grains and rice machine. But I don't know why JD couldn't have tinkered with the CTS some and make them an all purpose combine. The Cat_lexion uses the same design so obviously this design works.