From page 328 of Norm Swinford's Allis-Chalmers Farm Equipment 1914-1985: E and F pulltypes made from 1939 to 1951 Width of cut 12' 19.25" D x 26" W rasp-bar cylinder E had raddle separation, 32" W x 156" l F had walker separation, 32" W x 164" l Total cleaning area 2,464 cu. in. Bin capacity was 50 bu. pre-1944 machines used 32-HP 4-200 Ford engines. From 1944-46 a 32.5-HP 4-177 leRoi was used. In 1947 a 35-HP 4-126 Hercules was used, and from 1948-51 a 48-HP 6-226 Ford was used.