I usually start with a strong 5_8" in the front, a tight 1_2" in the middle and flat in the back. I have a 1 1_2" wind board in the back sloped at about 45 degrees to stop any bouncers, that is why I run the back flat. Without the wind board I would run 1_2" in the back. Pete Hinrichsen
I have F2.Choke at 7,front 7_8,middle 5_8,rear 3_4,bottom sieve 1_2.Corn is 14.5%.Running whole cobs.4-30's @4.5mph in 145bu corn.Head shelling only thing on the ground,clean sample,only fines in the return.I love picking corn!
I modified my l2.I think in heavier yielding corn haveing the front 8 to 10 inches of sieves open a little wider will improve ground speed without throwing corn over.It is in the Hyper Mods catagory