My first dairy cow


Golden Chicken
What was the experience with the first dairy cow you ever reared? For me, all I needed was a fresh supply of milk, and it was a daunting task at first. I had no information about what the best breed was (at the time)! I learned about teat care, nutrition, and vaccination protocols along the way.
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Farm Hand
I grew up on a farm with a few dairy cows, so it wasn't brand new to me like it was for you. However, we had particularly docile cows on my childhood farm, so I was not prepared for heifers that want to kick or refuse to be still so you can milk them. I took it personally too. I was offended, like they just didn't like me and didn't want to provide us with milk. I laugh about it today, though. It just took some time to work out the kinks.

Homestead Hustle

Farm Hand
I learned along the way, too. I was fairly young when I had my first dairy cow and had no idea what I was getting into! I've learned a lot since then. I know I made several mistakes with my first cow I wish I hadn't.