Michigan, There have been many updates to the rockdoor area on older N's.I assume that you have the older style if you cannot adjust it any closer than 5_8".Older style rockdoors ,when latched,rested on a latch plate bolted to the front of the concave.Depending on when the rockdoor and latch plate where adjusted and depending on where the concave was set at,normally you can only tighten the concave about 1_8" from that point.At this point, if the anti-bounce bolts where adjusted up snug,the concave and rockdoor will start to bind.You may need to back off the anti-bounce bolts and also readjust your latch plate.(Sometimes dirt and chaff build-up can also be a problem,but check the above first.)As for the rockdoor not swinging down.(Two things to check.)(1)Rockdoor latch could be catching on the latch plate if adjusted too tight.(Try lowering concave or move latch plate.)Don't forget to readjust the anti-bounce bolts once you have everything set!(2)Sometimes the friction bolt that holds the rockdoor in the closed position while you latch the door sometimes can wear a groove in R.H. shoe seal.This will catch when you try to swing the rockdoor down.(Back the friction bolt out.)Hope this helps, Hyper Harvest II.