Combines N6 Final Drive


Wiley, You mention jacking up combine and tightening bolts and also applying loctite at that time. When you have combine jacked up you need to drain oil from final drive and clean all holes with solvent,brake cleaner,mineral spirits or some other type of cleaning solution. Then apply loctite Primer "T" which will help accellerate drying time of loctite and also help get rid of any oil residue left. Then apply loctite (Red) thread locker and install nuts and bolts and tighten to 1000 ft. lbs. torque. Service manual says 600 ft lbs. but if I remember right that was updated to the 1000 ft. lbs. to get better retension. Have not had one come loose yet by doing the above procedure. Hopefully this will help keep it in place. Hyper Harvest II