Combines N6 rod bolts Engine lift or remove


Another question among these lines, has anyone looked into outsourcing higher quality bolts from companies like SPS UnbrakoIJ This company make fasteners for aircraft and industrial applications (including engines),and they are all but unbreakable. Granted they are expensive, but I can't imagine you'd ever need to worry about the bolts again if you install them correctly and use red loctite. Their web site is http:__www.spstech.com_ifg.html and an email contact address is


I have used bolts from Pigg Implement Sales, Inc. Sullivan, In. 47882. These bolts are much harder than the stock Agco bolts and are torqued to a higher spec. Part No. is N426 Bolt. Use Green loctite to hold these in. This dealer has had zero bolt failures since using them. I have used them on several 426 engines since 1995. I have measured and when the rod is torqued to a higher spec. it will cause the rod to become out-of-round about .0004-.0006 but if you are putting them on used rods (like replacing only bearings and not rebuilding engine) they work fine because the rod has already streched and these will tighten the rod up. If rebuilding engine and reconditioning the connecting rod be sure to use new bolts and torque to higher specs, then recondition the rod. These bolts do help hold the rods on the c_k where they need to stay!!!


Good to know there are high quality replacements to put in an in service motor .But hey! how about the tricks to doing it inframe or will that be a takeout orderIJ


The only way that I have ever replaced the bolts is by pulling the engine. It does come out nicely. I usually cut the bottom lip off the engine fan shroud to clear the C_S pulley. This helps to remove the shroud easier. I have hear of cutting the bottom of the floor out to gain access to the pan, remove the engine pan, do your job, then replace the floor with larger size of plate that can be bolted of riveted to the outside of the hole.


Thanks for the info.Nice to here from someone with the experience, to save others some grief. Is blow by on those 670's normalIJI have some but nothing excessive,I am new to the N series combines, so I'm full of questions.Thanks again!!