I am just reposting my post of Nov 06 on cable supports for the N series unload augers; Many years ago, we extended the unload auger of our N7 by about 3 feet. To take the load off the pivot when the auger was full of grain, we used a cable running to the top rear corner of the grain tank. The grain tank anchor point of the cable was reinforced to spread the load. The cable anchor point on the auger tube was mounted on a sleeve about 18" long and clamped about two thirds of the way out along the unloader tube. This sleeve could be adjusted to allow the cable to be tight at the full extension of the unloader but allow for slack at all other times while folded, retracting and extending. It took a while for us to get this adjustment right and to guarantee that the cable would not catch on anything while extending or retracting. Once we got it right we had no further problems. The cable certainly took the load off the pivot and if unloading on the run would really help with some of these earlier models where the pivot is a little suspect or worn. The only problem was that if we retracted the unloader whilst full of wheat [ OK with other lighter grains, just! ] the hydraulics weren't good enough to raise the unloader without a bit of a shove. Probably a small adjustment to the valve pressures would have fixed this problem. We also bolted a 3 ft extension onto the unload auger on one of our l2's in the mid 1970's. Bit of a problem getting far enough down the tube to put the bolts in to hold the extension together so we slid Rolf down the tube to hold the bolts in place while we did them up. Gave him five bucks for the job! He was only a little tacker then. At about 6' 2' and 110+ Kgs doubt that I could get him down a 3 foot tube nowadays. Never was able to get him to do that again even though I told him he was well paid!