Combines N7 feederhouse removal


For lifting, I used a tractor loader--bucket under front and chains from loader frame to cross bar inside feeder house. Block feeder house in the bucket to keep it from sliding too far into the bucket. We used 2ea 3_8" chains for stability and safety with load binders to adjust height. Follow service manual for disconnect sequence. Holler if you need more help.


Just replaced the feeder house in my N7 last week. The clutch drive system gave up the ghost. Now I have replaced it with a more recent upgrade. Bought the house and clutch system at a wrecker's. Removal was easy. Placed the front of the housing on two short 4x4's so I could get a Jack all or a floor jack in under the front to put pressure towards the back of the feeder house. Supported the feeder house near the back using two Jack alls then backed the combine away. Just repeated the process in reverse, with the replacement housing.