Combines N7 Hyper rotor P3 star mounting QuestionIJ


Some good pictures at HYPER-MODS under P1 rotor Good luck


Yes, the P3 stars mount on the opposite side of the mounting ears. Good luck on your "Hyperizing" it is well worth the effort. P.S. Make sure you install a couple of F2 rasp bars in the belly of the seperator, that really helps stir the material and reduces rotor loss. Spring's a come'in soon, Pete Hinrichsen


You bolt the F2 rasp bars to the belly of the seperator using a grade 5 bolt and a 1_2" piece of bar stock on the outside of the cage to span the cage hole. If your machine still has the bottom row of helicals in the cage they need to be removed except the one coming off the thresher end. Gleaner put a buletin out on removing the bottom row of helicals to reduce rotor loss. I will look up my notes to find the buletin n and get back to you. I now have a seperator grate in my N6 thanks to HyperII and still have two bars mounted in the belly of the seperator to help stir the material. Pete Hinrichsen


My machine still has the helicals in the bottom. I understand that you position the F2(2) bar(s) at the bottom of the cage but where should the leading edge of the F2 bars begin and how far should the extend in the cageIJ I also have a couple of stripper bars (use in the l3 at the front of the concave) and was wondering if they would workIJ I don't have any F2 bars but I guess I could get some salvage. I may have that bulletin. I bought the machine back in the fall and have never harvested with it. The original owner had a binder with lots of bulletins in it.


I am presuming you have the flat helicals in your machine. I put the two rasp bar end to end with the first one up against the helical coming off the thresher end. I tried using a couple pieces of channel concave bar from a F2 but it took too much hp and broke up the cobs. The rasp bars do a nice job of stirring without breaking up the cobs.


OK - I will install the F2 bars. Is it (F2 bar) positioned similar to the one shown on the P3 Cage picture in the Hyper ModsIJ