Farm Shows National Farm Machinery Show 2020

Urban Homestead

Bean Stalker
Is anyone heading to the National Farm Machinery Show in Kentucky? It's going to be held in February on the 12-15th. I went last year while visiting some relatives in Kentucky and the tractor pull is very popular and a real hoot! I'm an urban homesteader so I couldn't justify buying the fancy equipment that was showcased, but I had a blast and learned a lot while there.

Jonny B Goode

Farm Hand
I keep up with the trends online. Kentucky is too far for me to justify going out there just to look at things I don't need and couldn't afford. If I had a corporate farm with tons of acreage I could justify the cost of getting out there.


Farm Hand
Kentucky is a little too far for us to travel for a show, but it sounds pretty cool. I try to stay up with what's new online as much as I can. I love going to farm shows when they're nearby, too.


Farm Hand
We are planning to go this year. It'll be our first time at the show. We'll definitely check out the tractor pull. We have a friend who lives nearby, and she's allowing us to stay there so we can save a little money on hotel expenses.


Farm Hand
We wouldn't miss it! I can't wait to see what's new this year. We often see old friends and make new ones there, too. Sometimes we find folks who don't mind sharing what they've learned through their experiences with us. We believe sharing knowledge is essential; farming is difficult, and we like to see people succeed.


Staff member
Yeah, I'll be there. It's a big show with a lot of interesting stuff. The big manufacturers are always fun to touch base with but I also enjoy the smaller companies on display and then of course there are a few who offer some stuff cash and carry. Sometimes there are good deals on tools in that section. Prepare to go for at least two days if you go at all though. It's a huge show.