Combines ND DAN chopper plugging after mods


Are your chopper knives worn and rounded offIJ I know you're looking for NDDan, but just trying to help.


Chopper flails and stationary knives seem to be in reasonable shape,one machine had them reversed before harvest began. It also drives the stationary knives down about half way if you set them fully engaged, but the bolt is still tight.


Hasn't been a problem for us. Do you have jobber chopper with twenty bladesIJ If so I have a guy that had to increase tention on drive belt. Also Gleaner fine cut is driven a fair amount faster which you could need to do if you have jobber. I called AG West to see if they were having trouble with drive on that jobber chopper and they said no. I would check tention on triple power band belt and tighten chopper belt all the way. One thing we have did with most all chopper areas of late is to weld cover on bottom of grate just ahead of chopper to close in first couple rows of openings. This allows smoother entrance into chopper. If you have Gleaner fine cut I think I would leave knifes retracted half way. We set them like that in the first place for I think maybe cut is better when it can more like slice the straw rather than chop. let me know what chopper you have.


We have the Agco fine cut choppers in the machines both are running @ higher RPM. After looking harder this morning We noticed a real slime type layer in the area immediately after the chopper, am wondering if we are feeding so smooth we dont notice it getting tough and keep going thus causing moisture build up with dust sticking to it so tough straw does not flow out discharge well and makes a dam stopping the flow and it backs up from there. Straw was very tough last few nights, as it runs during the day this wears off and works well then as dusk hits and moisture goes up it forms again slowing straw again. we seem to be leaving "bales" every once in a while before it pluggs up. Wonder if 72 is not powering out as fast and therefore dont slow down as quick as 62 so it cant clear out and that is why it pluggs more often. I will try the plate welded in as well, just to clarify the 2 rows of holes prior to chopperIJ That R62 starting problem appears to have been a bad battery that the load test did not pick up first time around.


Yes two rows just ahead of chopper. That area was all smooth years ago and then the company perforated it. looking at the wear on things over time you can see that there can be flow problem there. We hold plate in from under cage and weld rear of all the holes thus preventing possible constipation. This should allow constant even feed into chopper. I would also strongly consider leaving knifes half retracted. I think they call that soybean position. I have noticed that hammers run very close to floor and not alot of weight to them. This could cause them hang back and not keep area clean when straw gets super tough. Good luck