Combines need advice settin 8780xp


DO you have an air foil chafferIJ Try more air open sieves. I have to use two blanks, air at 800 rotor 850 to 900. good luck p.s. Air foil is a must.


If you have a air Foil, take it out, throw in ditch and put in standard grain chaffer. Check to make sure you have solid overlap plate and that you have standard wheat concaves. Run air to maximum (800 to 850). If you can get away with it (not to many whitecaps) open concaves and give it the gas. Good luck


I guess we don't agree on chaffers, and thats fine. When I put in the air foil in the same combine in the same field it was imppresive in my case.What did you not like about the air foil, or what happendIJ We both do agree on lots of air, some guys machine the pulley differant to get more air.thanks


My experience is that the air foil does not have near the capacity as standard chaffer due to open area. If you are running low feed rates with small seed they might be ok. If you are looking for max capacity stay with standard sieves. This is what I have experienced and that is not to say that your conditions aren't different. My experience would be to throw them in the ditch.


I too like the adjustable chaffer for capacity on the level. But the airfoil seems to do a better job for us on the slopes so we keep it around. As to the shoe capacity issue, I would install the good-ol' windboards and direct more air to the front of the shoe to try to unload the front of the chaffer a bit. If you're in good wheat, this should reduce shoe load at the front and let you run faster. Probably not as fast as that Gleaner (sorry guys, but that Gleaner has one @n%^ of a cleaning system on it) as nothing can touch a Gleaner's cleaning system, especially in small grains.