Combines need another afx8010


Yes Tony they are going to be good when everything comes together, I told Case that I would not complain any more so I wont, but it is amazing how many company people read these posts. I have already been asked by Deere, and now Cat, to go tour there plants, and they told me they are targeting 8010 owners to trade so they think these 8010s are going to hold there resale, there was one that sold on internet that my dealer said brought more money then he thought it was worth, so hopefully you can find one soon. And I know some of the updates but if I tell you I will get another call wanting to know who told me so I will let it go at that. Does any body know if they have got the asembly line complete to start producing combines yet and what machines are coming down line if anyIJ If you are seriously looking for one e mail me and I will tell you about it, and know its not my machine, not yet any way I am going to give them a chance to get it right, next year then we will see.


Currently, the plant is building quite a few CRs, with 2388s also working into the line. We currently have a new 2388 in our shop installing the first Hillco hillside conversion before it will be shipped out to another dealer. It just came off the line last week. I don't know if any 8010s are being built right now.


Tony if you are serious there are 4 available at good luck and happy looking. Below you will find a link


drove by GI yesterday was going to stop. I am surprised they are building 2388's allready. got to seal up the land deal first might lease a cat or something else for next fall, need to replace another machine, but these markets and outlook for 2005 makes it hard to get excited. another subject 9380 quad took a dump, brakes messed up fouled the system. nice bill coming up on this one as well


Tony, You might check the Van-Wall Group web site @ Perry, IA. if you are not in a big hurry.


Striker thanks for the come back can you see any changes that was done to the 2388 how about the feeder house is it the same.


Tony, I would have thought that "once bitten twice shy" with all the troubles with the 8010 you might have considered a Cat_Claas 590, Since you seemed to be very impressed with the demo you hadIJ


Don't really see any differences other than visual on this 2388. All the pieces are painted prior to assembly so hardware is plated, hyd. lines are not painted and neither are any of the belts, hoses and electrical harnesses. Some pulleys and truss rods are also plated. Sure makes it nicer to work on. I can't see any thing changed on the feeder house. The auger bed pan is black on the inside and out. The whole inside where the concaves, grates, cage, and augers are located is also black. In the engine compartment, the area where the rotor gearbox and rear side of the grain tank are at is also painted black. I know that there are a few small changes on the machine that I read about on a product information bulletin, but I don't have access to that at the moment.