Combines Need help with auger slightly out of round on 520 flex head


Do you think the auger was bumping the whole time you were running itIJ After setting in the sun for a few minutes without turning the metal will expand slightly on the sunny side and put a bow in it. Mine does the same thing and after a couple of minutes of running, the bow will be gone.


As Silver Bullet says,check that the tube it is definitely bowed. To straighten- Turn the tube,highpoint uppermost. Using oxy torch,starting at the highest point of the bend, heat a band 90 degrees around the circumference of the tube, and say 3_4 inch wide, each side of the high point to a good bright red colour. Initially start quietly with ,say about 60 degrees either side of the high point as your bend sounds fairly minor. It is easy to over straighten a tube this way. Repeat the procedure an inch or so away from the first pass if it was'nt sufficient the first time. The metal in the heated band get soft, expands, thickens, but does not thin out as it cools.To compensate, it pulls the metal in from the sides of the heated band, thereby straightening the tube. An electric arc laying bands in the same places does the same. It does'nt look pretty but it works and I've used it many times on lots of pipes and tubes.


Thanks for the input on how to repair what I thought was a bent auger. Your post on the heat was the culprit. The combine had been sitting under the shed that morning. Cranked it up and moved it outside in the sun to check over for the day. Then it was bumping. Went ahead an ran for a few hours after my touch up grinding and my sight posting and checked it again. It must have been the temperature. Was down to 64 degrees the night before and 91 degrees by mid day when I checked it over. looks like I overreacted. I'm thankful that's all it was. Thanks again for your input.