Combines New 2388


Big Al, Congrads on your new purchase. Are you getting the new AFX rotorIJ K.A.


Yes it does have the AFX rotor. Did you have any takers on your combines yet


Al glad to hear you got a new machine. Did you get field trackerIJ Hope to see you and Marlin again this summer. John J. lase


Big Al, Weber is the one who has his combines for Sale. I like mine to much to get rid of them, but I hope I can trade next year afer wheat harvest and before the fall harvest. Hope there will be some wheat to cut next year. Still pretty dry some places. K.A.


Good to hear from you John yes we are getting field tracker. We had a vist with Brent at the harvest convention. Yes we are planning to work together again next year. Well have a Merry Xmas and one small detail it is Marilyn not Marlin. Thanks


Sorry about that Unit 2. We were through centeral Kansas and northern Oklahoma around the 22nd of Nov. things looked real good then. They were grazing cattle on the wheat but it is a long time until June.


I bought my 2366 3 years ago with AFS system. I really didn't want it, but it was already on the combine, but now I wouldn't buy one without. I think you'll appreciate its cost after you use it awhile. I'm glad I have it now. I now have 3 years of yield history to use for decision making. Good luck! Ted from cenOH


Ooooopsss Guess I don't have the hang of posting the picture link.


We'll have to see if Rockpicker can help out here. I hope it works, I'm looking foward to this picture linking. Maybe when you figure it out, I'll give it go too.


like Old Pokey said, you the pictures have to be somewhere else on the internet to post them here. If you have your pics on the net right click on your picture and then click on Properties. Then copy the address (URl). Then paste the address in the Optional link URl box below and put whatever you want in the link Title. After that add whatever you want in the comment box and continue on.