Combines New Case or not to CaseIJ


just like anything case ih is going to make sure that their machine has no major things that are wrong with it. They have done some big time testing last year with their new combine. Case has given little or no detail about this new machine. But if I was you I would wait for the new ones. They should be comming out this fall but who really knows. That is what i'm hearing. I know that Case ih does not want to come out with a new combine and no one have any money to buy it because of the high gas prices and low grain prices. I hope that they come out with the combine soon.


before you dicide check in to a new jd my one freind trades three machines every year alternating brands cih-jd. he says he can trade three red machines on three green machines for about $15,000 less and then trade the green ones on new red ones the next year for a nerly same amount less i would do the same thing but i would be dissownd by my family and would have to change churches


before you dicide check in to a new jd my one freind trades three machines every year alternating brands cih-jd. he says he can trade three red machines on three green machines for about $15,000 less and then trade the green ones on new red ones the next year for a nerly same amount less i would do the same thing but i would be dissownd by my family and would have to change churches