Combines New Deere Combine


I hate to say it but sometimes plans change. Case and point: I remember Deere saying back when the cts came out that it WAS NOT a rotory and that deere WOUlD NEVER put out a rotory combine because they felt a conventional system was the only way to go. Here we are now and deere's introducing a new rotory soon. In my own personal opinion I belive only half of what I see and hear from the major farm equipment manufacturers and I'm not limiting this to green alone. Matter of fact I'd bet dollars to dimes that deere will introduce a smaller version sooner or later. Especially since like someone else put it on here before. Money drives everything.


To see a picture of the only true rotary combine all you have to do is go back to the directory and go up one spot to the Case portion of this page.


The deere conventional machine has run circles around case and gleaner rotaries for years the new deere rotary will make them look even worse. I heard deere engineers have nicknamed the new machine the "CAT KIllER".


Dear John Deere men,If Deere combines are so good why are they going Rotary and why did they copy the best Case IHIJ


It's not about whats best or worst, remember these big manufacturers are in the parts business as well. It's about leveling the sales playing field to them. Making these combines rotary puts them in a market for rotary people they've never had before. I'd be very surprised if Deere goes totally rotory. Gleaner and new Holland are both making sales to conventional, and rotory people, It's only natural that Deere would want a piece of that SAlES DOllAR pie. In closing, I am about sick of these Case folks getting on here and praising those red combines for their PERFECTION. Since those Axial Flows have been around since the mid 70's, I'd expect to see some major changes on this new line they're suposedly coming out with. Who knows, it might be conventional!


Deere will probably not sell a small rotary because volumes are declining and small combines will be phased out eventually. You better watch out for Case's new cylinder_rotary combine that is bigger than the Cat machine.