Combines New Grain Grabbers


We've ran our's on about 20 acres so far and I think they do help feeding towards the ends of the head but I would order a set for a head 5' smaller than what you have so they don't run as close to the middle. What I saw was the middle two would tend wrap with beans once in a while and the other report's I've read have said the same thing. We also put the auger flighting extensions on our head and I think they help feeding as much or more than the grain grabbers for less money. The flighting extensions won't help with feeding on the ends of the head but they feed the crop into the feeder house much more aggressivly than the stock fingers do.


we order 6 grabbers for our 11' grain head (small combine) and installed all 6 - one between each auger flight. we were combining oats -3' tall- with red clover underseeded which had grown to 30"- and it was terrible to get to go thru the combine. the farmers here want all the straw they can get. the tar build up on the metal of the header, from the clover, made nothing want to slide. the grabbers made a vast difference but the 2 closest to the retracting fingers did cause auger wrapping even with the rear scrapper set properly. so we took the 2 grabbers nearest the retracting fingers off, without a change in performance. one thing i noticed is the height of the grabber is 1_2" less than the height of the flight and i'm wondering if they should be the same height. we need to combine in very high humidity and high straw moisture conditions in grain that is seldom sprayed for we put lots of green stuff thru the combine and by and far the broadleaf plants give us the most grief. i am satisfied with the performance of my grain grabbers in our conditions. my 2 cents FarmerTom


I'v cut about 250 acres of beans, both tall irrigated and short dry land, with them on my 25' 1020 header. I think they are worth the money. The only place where I have had any trouble with stuff wrapping around the auger is in some tall grass on the edge of one bean field.


What are auger flighting extensionsIJ How are they attached and where to IJ


Question for you guys. Can you raise your reel above the cutting system and have it still feed into the augerIJ Thanks.


They extend the auger flighting farther to the center where the retractable fingers are located. They just attach to the ends of the flighting where it ends in the center. They help shove the straw into the feeder. I believe there are two pieces, a left and a right. I don't have them so maybe someone can better elaborate.


That's a very good explanation. The flighting extensions extend the flighting past the center of the head a few inches on each side. There are two pieces (a left and a right side) and I think they are around $80 each.


We put 12 on our 30' 1020, kit has 10. In the 1st 45acres we broke one off and have broken another one since. Today I took 4 more off because they wrap so bad in green stems or down beans. I noticed the ones that I took off were really worn on the side towards the outside of the platform. In the morning I'm going to take one more off each side and if that doesn't help I'm going to take them all off and throw them in the trash. IMO, they are a waste of money. Maybe others are having different reults but from what I have read on other forums I don't think so.


The best flighting extensions that I've seen have flighting "height" that is about 1_2 to 1" shorter than the main auger flighting so there is more flighting to auger clearance in the feederhouse feed throat area. This helps prevent additional center loading loading which can crack out the center auger tube. It also lets crop be pulled into to the feeder chain area better. For instance, on the lexion, it has about 5" high main auger flighting, but the extension flighting is only about 4" high. Sure seems to feed better. I supoose anyone with a plasma cutter could cut their center flight extensions down a 1_2" and improve feeding while reducing center bending. We had a JD 930 auger crack about 2_3 of the way around, starting at an inspection hole, last year. It was caught in time, and welded up successfully. We have now noticed another 3" long crack starting at an inspection hole left of center tube. long term, center auger hanger bearings will alleviate the severe bending moments and cracking and clearance problems.


They don't work! Don't waste your money. Could tell no difference in short or tall beans and broke one the first 10 acres.