Combines new owner s review 9760sts 630f


Yes, we have about 16-1700 acres of corn and 600 acres of beans (soys and some dry beans).


The variety was Harvard (CandM seeds) and it ran about 97 bushels. The hard red was weedy though, and side by side I don't think it would give much up to the Pioneer R47 in the same conditions. From the combine seat, some of this wheat looked like it wouldn's run over 80bu_acre. We had the right mix of heat and moisture this year I guess.


Our 9760 STS from Machinery link arrived the other day. It will be my first experience with an STS. My question is how was the wear on the componentsIJ


I have put over 400 hrs on my 9660 sts's and have not had a second of down time yet. Have been cutting winter and spring wheat avg. around 40 bu. the machines are easy to set with very little loss behind. I also pull the machine down to 2240 to 2260. I can't see any major wear to any of the threshing components but the fine cut chopper looks like it will need knives replaced at about 8 or 900 hrs. I'm also thinking the feed accelerator will need repairs about the same time.


You put my mind at ease! It sounded like you were only doing the wheat work with it. What does your corn yield by the wayIJ I do about 600 to 800 acres of irrigated corn down here in Australia. I am what you call a custom cutter. Cheers for now.


For those with problems overloading the chaffer (on a 50 series),put in an adjustable pre-cleaner. They are available through loewen. The 60 series have a different cleaning system which increases cleaning capacity quite a bit. Our 9650 STS did not need power poles in the field to see if it was moving, and losses were minimal. The machine has to be set properly to perform.