Check the electrical conector above the return elevator, its a round conector. Check your fluid level. The powersteering is ran off of the main gearcase not the hydraulic system.
make sure all switches are in neutral or off, header harness not rubbing on belt (if dam is on and harness is shorting, header lift can be shut off, at least it did on mine),main harness connection. gs
It's just a guess, but have you tried plugging and unplugging the wires coming out of the right side of the cabIJ I had a no start condition last year that was fixed that way. Had to do it a couple more times during the fall. Hope you get it going. BH
Just finished getting it operating after dealer was out and replced hydraulic pump,relief valve and cleaned n1 valve port it had a small piece of clear hard plastic probably from the old pump it was worn pretty good inside Well we will see how long it works this time Thanks for all the input JR