Combines Oats Rotor lossIJ


Nick - how did you check it for rotor lossIJ If you used one of those "squares" that you count the kernals in to determine loss, you will get real high readings from the rotor due to the loss being concentrated in that narrow windrow (compared to brand X, G, R, and Y, with wide discharges). Check your operator manual for the correct procedure for checking rotor loss if you think you might be doing it wrong. We've never used filler strips for oats. Seems like we usually run our rotor about 800 - 900 rpm and concave at about 3. We don't have adjustable sep. concave. There would almost have to be a stream of oats coming out of rotor discharge to equal 10 bu_acre. We've never seen more than about 3 bu in really tough conditions when we shouldn't have been cutting anyhow. As the Chinese would say - "Sum Ting Wong"! Good luck and let us know what you find!


It has terrible rotor loss because the straw is full of oats. if i take 1ft of windrow and shake it into a box there is over a cup full of oats in that small area, plus what is on the ground under the windrow. It sure would be nice to have dealer support, but that is nonexistant. Maybe they don't know their machines.


Are you loading the machineIJ Are you using up any powerIJ Did you notice the reduced loss on crop loss monitorIJ I would start out back at factory recommendations and then slow up the rotor to extremes. Watch the monitor for reduced lossIJ Also I would open concave from factory recommendation to extremes and watch the monitor to check for reduced loss. I know you said that losses went down when you closed things up but that may be because you are forcing alot more material out of cage. Try not breaking up the straw as much and the oats may well seperate alot better. I've never been around oats much but I remember in barley we would open concave wide and drive hard. If you can't adjust for your satisfaction you should let us know exactly what you have for concaves, grate, cylinder bars, ect. and maybe we could help.