Combines off topic 5400 drill


Just my opinion, but if your going to notill then get a real notill drill. This lash up is a min-till drill with some coulter running somewhere in front of the openers with poor control of the openers and seed depth_placement. A JD notill drill with single disk openers is a good choice. Cuts the trash well and has good seed placement. The red SDX is similar but is only available as an air drill. Other double disk no-till drills with leading coulters or offset opener disks like Great Plants, Crustbuster and Sunflower will work too, but disturb the ground more.


We use Great Plains Twin Row planting beans in corn stalks from previous year. Does good in most any conditions. We pull with 180 horse Magnum but sometimes not enough. Drill is 6 twin rows for a total of 12. On caddy w_ GP pivot hitch. Coulters cut great even on 90 degree corner turns. Tried Krause last year because lots of beans. No caddy but same rows and those beans are averaging 10-15 bushels less on average. Just proves that a real no till drill can`t be beaten