Combines Off Topic Ford Tractor


Its a Versitile, they start, they run, they pull. Whats else is there to say. They were built simple straightforward and easy to work on, unlike new models and it doesn't matter what color new model you're talking about.


I agree with JHEnt completely. I still run both Versatile and Genesis, and have always been happy with both. Don't be afraid if it's the 12 speed powershift; - I've logged over 7,000 hours on mine with no problems so far.


The new Steigers are pretty much the same way aren't theyIJ They look very easy to work on... Plus easy to clean out the radiator with that trap door underneath not to mention everything has a sight gauge that can be gauged... WE are very happy with our STX 375 we are looking for a 325 might take a look at the case's.. good luck and hope you are happy with whatever you get


Well they're not terrible to work on but their no simple old Versitile design either. I prefer the blue version over the red, just prettier to look at.


IJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJ you seriousIJ lol Also how is the cab of the versitile..... Cause the stiegers is really nice..


The old Versitile cab is decent. It doesn't have the amount of glass that the STX_TJ tractors have. They have good rear visibilty and not too bad up front.


Cool I remember when i was really littile and the local ford dealer (word you don't hear often local dealer lol) They brought in a red_black_yellow_ect_ect versatile something 75 is all i remember in the number it sure was mean looking........ Thanks for the info hope your havest went well


I agree with the others, just a plain no-nonsense good tractor. Buhler is still making them. Might check the price of a new Versatile as I hear their prices are hard to beat.


There is a serial n split on the syncro shifting. The later ones shift alot easier. Good ole tractors. Have run both 9000 series JD and 9682 early. Green rides a little better and and has faster road gear, but nothing wrong with ole NH Versatile. I prefer rear ballast to be steel weights instead of calcium.