Yes, I know of two farms that might fit what you are looking for. E-mail me. I have farmed all my life in east central Il. I know the area very well. I've gotten into ag real estate sales.
Come to Texas and buy 10 acres for what you spend on 1 acre in the midwest. Our land will come closer to cash flowing than $4000 an acre corn and bean country.
With energy going the way it is and nitrogen to hit $1000 a ton in a few years plus drying charges going through the roof....well its probably best to try another pencil. The one your using now aint workin
Where do you want to go would be the question. If you want rural living western ks, western ne, eastern co is very rural and there are a lot of farmers getting out right now. Try Farm and ranch reality and stock auction for listing in these areas. We need more people out here!!!
Well I'm glad to see my pencil is not the only one dull. Farming is tough business here too. Rice and soybeans aren't cash flowing. If Iraqs have all ou civil war fuel cost could rise. My accountant said all of his cleints fuel bills were double in one year. I cannot overcome much more additional expense.
Several states have offices to connect older farmers, who are looking for someone to continue their farm and young people, who would like to take over a farm. Type "passing on the farm" in an internet search engine and you will find lots of material to read.