Combines p ssed at the 8010


Whats the deal with the control pressure. What does it do and why do guys have to watch it so much. It seems like trouble to me. All that fancy electric hydraulic systems.


control pressure feeds the hydro rotor and feeder cvt's, pto for chopper elev etc. pto for unloader to many things


Sorry to hear your trouble with control pressure. We've combined 4000 acres with ours with excellent performance with little downtime. Much less than with our first 9650STS. The only problem we've had with control pressure is we had a seal go out on unloader drive. Took 30 minutes to replace. Hope you get your problem figured out.


farmertony, e-mail me off line for good info about big American ag.


Scrap it! I,m sure there will be lots of people looking for used parts this year and for many years to come for this amazing engineering feat! Just go and get a tried and true Case-IH 2388,you will probably get more done with this proven beast as it will at least be in field not in the shop! That's what happens when you let the NH engineers design a red combine. AS I seem to recall Case-IH always promoted the Axial -Flow as a simple machine which is very true,and I don't recall any NH machine that was simple.So if the Case-IH engineers who designed the best combines ever want to come back from vacation or be let out of closet that the NH wizards locked them in you better hurry because when you can the 2300 series you guys are history. P.S. When you do build a new CASE_IH combine ,could you build one for us farmers that have 2000 acres or less.A good 200-225 hp,200-250 bin without all the fancy cr_p that does nothing except add to the cost of the machines or at least make it optional.A 2377 is not what were looking for.That's just a slightly de-tuned class 6 machine.Ever here of a 2366 thats probably what a lot of people out there still want!What a dumba_ _ who decided to get rid of that machine! I'd like to know who CASE-IH asks when they say they take in to account all there customers inputs and ideas when deciding on or designing new machines as it sure ain't the smaller guy with one machine and 1000 acres! Sorry for the long-winded reflection on the downward slide of CASE-IH combines,it's just one person's opinion.I just hope that there are people from CASEIH that read this site and do something about it before it's to late,as a lot of us might checking out the other colors in the rainbow.Wow I see green,silver,another shade of red,yellow......


A lot of small guys with 1000 acres can't afford a new combine, even if it's a smaller one. And if everyone wanted the 2366, why were their sales decliningIJ let's face it, there are fewer and fewer small farmers left. I've never even seen a 2366 down here in louisiana. Or a 2166. In fact, I've never seen a 1666 in person that I can remember. It's been almost 100% 80 sized machines down here since the 1680's came out. Most of the smaller guys, like me with 1200 acres, will just buy a used 2388 and do some custom work on the side. With that said, I do hate that the IH axial flow combine will soon be history. It's a simple, reliable, and productive machine. A Case-IH salesman friend of mine told me that 2005 was supposed to be the last year for the 2388, though I doubt that will hold true. They haven't gotten the 8010 to do very well in rice around here yet. But, like everything new, they'll get the bugs worked out and it will be great. I'm sure there were guys bemoaning the demise of the 815 when the axial-flows came out. In fact, I know quite a few traditional farmers that switched to John Deeres so they could keep running a walker machine.


If the 2366 wasn't a success why is JD still selling the 9560 STS and walker. Plus Gleaner just introduced the R55. The problem I see with the 2377 being derated a 2388 is that the farmer is going to complain about low hp and probably end up chipping them.


Face the facts! the axial flow as we know it is dead. It is truly my opinion that Fiat is in the process of combining both companies to have a GM style company. How much difference between a Chevy pick up and a GMC. NH is the dominate force in CNH. How long before a twin rotor Red combine hits the market and the single rotor is phased out altogether. When will the Cummins engine be phased out to favor an Iveco or the EEA engine, both Fiat interest. I've read on other sites that CaseIH might be sold or spun off. Soon there will be nothing left of Case or IH engineering in the products. The name Case or IH might have a value that could be sold to Agco and stuck on the side of a Massey tractor or Combine. Just like my old IH refrigerator, my axial flow might be a thing of the past. In my opinion the 8010 is a NH with a single rotor.


Farmertony, Maybe there will soon be a BIG Cat on the prowl at your farmIJ!!!!!


farmertony the problem with your 8010 is probably in the chopper drive there is a teflon seal in there that probably got knicked during assembly that is what was causing our control pressure to run low initially they also thought it was the feeder drive the fix only takes about 2 hours