People you know with coronavirus?

Petal to the Metal

Golden Chicken
Despite living in California, until today I didn't know anyone who had been infected with the coronavirus. That sort of made the threat feel less real. Well today I found out that my neighbor has it and had to be hospitalized. I also learned that my brother has it, but his seems to be a mild case thankfully. I hope you guys are staying as safe as possible.


Farm Hand
I hope your neighbor and brother heal soon! My mom had it, but it was a mild case, and she got over it quickly. It seems to be spreading further and further right now. I've never been so thankful to have good health insurance.


Golden Chicken
Not a blessed soul and I suppose I'm grateful for that. I'm in a rural area. The nearest Walmart is over an hour away. There just aren't enough people around for it to do much damage here.