Recipes Peppermint creations too sticky

  • Thread starter Petal to the Metal
  • Start date

Petal to the Metal

Golden Chicken
Hello, I'm making some festive spoons and bowls out of peppermint candy. Everything looks great, but I can't get them to dry all the way. I gave them overnight to dry and they are still way too sticky. These are meant to be eaten, so I can't use a lacquer or anything like that. Any other ideas?


Farm Hand
The humidity could be your problem. Hard candy does best in a dry environment. For the ones you've already made, throw them in a container with some rice or silica packets to soak up the moisture for a day or two. If they're still too sticky, either coat them with powdered sugar or dunk them in some chocolate and let it dry. Chocolate mint is popular this time of year, so why not?


Golden Chicken
I love the chocolate idea!!! I think it's brilliant and sounds delicious too! I really have no tips but this post made me want to try to make them.


Farm Hand
I love the idea of dipping them in chocolate, too! Chocolate and mint go so well together. What a cool idea to make spoons and bowls out of peppermint. Are you having a party where you'll use those for your guests?