Perennial Vegetables


Farm Hand
What are some of the best perennial vegetables to grow? I own a landscaping and gardening business and I have a few clients asking about it. I know the basic vegetables that come back year after year like asparagus, artichokes, and rhubarb, but I'm clueless beyond that.

Urban Homestead

Bean Stalker
Horseradish is a perennial root vegetable that's used to make spices. It's a hardy plant that's very easy to grow. If you live in one of the warmer growing zones (9-11) then sweet potatoes are perennials. Sweet potatoes aren't hard to grow, but not all varities are perennials so check that out before you buy. I mentioned radicchio in another thread. It grows wonderfully in cool weather and comes back year after year. It's a bit like purple cabbage and is gorgeous and tasty.


Golden Chicken
Sunchokes, watercress and kale fit the category of perennial plants. Lots of fruit bushes and nut trees give us food for years each season, but unfortunately, not many vegetables are perennial in the United States.


Farm Hand
Chives can also be grown as a perennial. Depending on where you are some of the herbs can also be grown as outdoor perennials - potentially with the added benefit of helping to keep certain pest insects (like mosquitoes) at bay.

Andrew T

Farm Hand
Water cress, spinach, and sweet potato are other perennial vegetables. I love that I only had to plant our spinach once. It is a fantastic vegetable to have around for salads!


New member
French sorrel is a wonderful early spring and summer herb/leaf. It's sour tang is great in sauces and a bit of the tender new leaves adds sparkle to spring salads. Best of all, it's a tremendously reliable perennial even in harsh environments such as ours in Iowa, with minus 20 degree winter days.