Combines Phoenix Reel


If a person is willing to purchase this system, one should look at the UII reel. It is app. the same money and a lot less complicated. The PRD seems to work, but is an expensive band-aid on a HCC reel which is a high wear reel. The UII is stronger, has a great sweaping action, less maintenance, and doesnt take a lot of mickey mouse hardware to operate.


my vote would be to look at the orbit package on 1990 and later hart carter reels.turns into a u2 for less than $$1000.00 plus more sweeping action at knife 25 and 30' less than 2000.00


I saw a Orbit reel at the Clay Co. fair. It looks like it would work great. I wished it would have been out before we put on the air reel.


went by farmer with a r62 today to see if he started beans and to see the new orbit work.he was dissapointed till we changed the action a little more severe at knife and it worked great!!!also had short beans on high sand hills small amount of grass patches and tall thick row beans worked very well inn all conditions.