Combines Pix brand combine belts are they any goodIJIJIJ


I have used a few on my M2,they seem to be good belts.I put one on the hydro drive and did a lot of corn in the mud last fall and gave it a good workout and it took it.I am not sure what belts JD sells,but they are even cheaper to buy than shoup.I looked the hydro belt up on JD parts website and if I remember right it was $10 to $12.00 cheaper.


I asked the same question a couple of years ago and never really got any responses. After I checked a little further into the matter, I found that genuine Case I-H belts weren't that much more. And furhter more, after struggling to change the rotor belt I definitly want the best quality, longest lasting belt money can buy!


Yes they have belts and other parts for most brands of combines.I bought a main drive belt for my M2 last fall at an Agco dealer,that night I check Shoups price and it was a lot cheaper then I looked it up at and it was cheaper from JD.


Yes they have belt and other parts for most brand of combines.I bought a main drive belt for my M2 last fall at an Agco dealer,that night I checked Shoups price and it was a lot cheaper I then check and it was even less money yet.Check with your local JD dealer.PS I am not a Green Equipment farmer all I own is a JD planter.


I think the only belt they don't have is the one for the variable speed reel.


Thanks George.I got a green planter in amongst the orange too.AGCO can supply needs okay but some of those prices are unjustified.


Don't know anything about Pix belts but you can get Kevlar belts from Jay Dee Enterprises in Ohio -- 800-989-0162 for a catalog!!!


made in INDIA if that means anything. Not much cord in them, I noticed after one I recently bought broke.


We use PIX belts from AandI and have been very happy with thier quality. They just look to be as durable as OEM belts and fit very well. They generally are costing less than OEM. OEM still rules quality but are beginning to pass of lower grade replacements as original - at the original price of course!