Combines planting update


Here in southern Ontario we are at least a week away from starting.Sometimes corn goes in in the last week of april but its rare and risky due to chances of a late frost. Ground conditions are wet and cold.Most guys have the equipement all lined up and ready to go, just waiting for conditions to improve and the dust will start flying .


Here in N. Iowa very few have attempted to plant yet. Things looks to break open tomorrow and I plan to start planting corn in the morning. Planted 1_2 acre of beans yesterday to get my new Case 5400SS drill tuned. Anybody else got one, I'm new to this type.


3.5 of rain on already saturated soil will give us another couple of weeks to get ready. I am on high ground with no threat of flooding but there is water standing everywhere. Tom in MN


Here in Western Nebraska, there are some beets planted but got 8" of snow over the weekend. Soil temps are low and everyone is getting alittle excited. We are usally done planting beets by the end of April and like to have the corn in right after that. Still plenty of time for both, the wheat looks great, need to get it sprayed if the wind would ever stop and it would dry out a little.


Not sure what the SS stands for, but I bought a new 5400 no-till last year with the coulter caddy. I have not been overly impressed. Had a hard time getting it to stay in the ground. I had to make some brackets to go between the beams on the caddy and hang suit case weights on it. Case was of no help in that one, left a sour taste with me. I should have bought a Great Plains.


SS stands for Soybean Special. It has planter row units on 15" centers. Thank you for your comment.


Dave, I have a 5200 15' CIH grain drill without the caddy and I have been overly impressed with it. We haven't put any money in it to talk about. We run it right off of the three point hitch on our Case 1175 and can plant up to about 8-10 mph (normal we run about 5-6mph)with good placement and good yeild. We were looking into getting a Coulter Cart for ours but now that you said that I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Curt


Hey Massey Do we assume you have some MF equipmentIJ I have had MF tractors since I first started farming. Tom in MN