Combines plugged sts


I worked on a custom harvest run and plugged up only once in milo because the milo was flat on the ground and we were trying to pick it up with rigid heads. you have to open the concabe all the way up put the seperator in low and then start the machine up and hope it has enough power to get out that way. other wise you have to take the concaves out completly.


That's if it didn't plug on the right side of the machine, where the concave will not open for relief. Typically, STS's are not prone to plug except high moisture conditions. And, the most common location for an STS rotor to plug is on its right hand side of the threshing segment of the rotor. This is because of the rotor's rotating direction is to the right and the concave adjustment is on the left hand side (sides determined by the operator sitting in the seat facing forward). An STS's have also been known to plug when material builds up around the tailings return auger above the rotor, sometimes resulting in the ejection of the tailings return auger and tube. It's probably safe to say that the video was not a Deere sponsored video is it were featuring anything other than personnel and products walking on water!


the video wasn't sponsored by any manufacturer, just a farmer watching_videoing a World Food bank project being harvested. looked like wheat being picked up.