Dear Pat: Concave wear definately effect your problem. I have been in the concave rebuilding business for 28 years aand have helped alot of guys. The square edges on your concave bars restrict the flow of grain and cause material to rub on material. This is thrashing. The rounder the concave bars are, the less restricted flow you have and you do two things to improve this. One is to set your concaves tighter and the other is to run your rotor faster, both of which takeaway from an clean sample and will increse cracking. The life of a concave is 1500 hours. They get progressive worse after that. I will rebuild 80 series concaves for $798.00 less 15% if done before 4_1_05. 60 serries concaves are $675.00 less 15% by 4_01_05. Give me a call, as I have some other tips. You will have a cleaner sample. Your hard surfaced concave will be guaranteed for 3000 hours. Give me a call and ask for Don. 1-800-235-4461