Combines Position of unloading augar during harvest on 1440


It's much safer to keep it folded in when not unloading. Biggest chance for wear is driving with the auger full of grain, and even that is negligible. Keep it folded in, you never see those dang telephone-line poles until it's too harvesting!


I have never heard of a turrent failing from being used to swing the auger into the transport position. Just keep the machine greased. I have heard stories of how the turrent was destroyed by hiting trees etc. Did you have a 00 series JD before seeing the red lightIJ HEHE.


It always amazied me how people leave these augers out when all you have to do is move a lever or push a button to bring it in alot easier than putting it back on the combine and fixing all the turret damage after you hit the pole or tree.


Hi, like everyone else has said, fold it back. I remember one of the nieghbors that always left the auger out when harvesting, that is until he introduced the auger to a rather large tree.....


We used a 3300 Deere. Actually, for the second weekend, we have developed a hydraulic leak on the 1440. No repairmen available, and working with the high pressure hoses required equipment we don't have. So, today I started up the 3300, and took it out to the field. I miss the handling of this smaller machine. So, I will be green again until Monday....