Combines power chips


yes we tryed the blixton and keeped it. my friend is running a 9650sts made in 2001. you got 3 steps on the controler 10%and 30% or you can run on 0% extra power.


We use a 30% chip in a 9610.That's the kind of power the machine should come with from the factory,we just love it.Plus we use lESS fuel in a day then we did before.The way I see it your crazy NOT to use one of these.


Used a ATO chip on a '01 9650STS w_ 1293 and 930 Never pulled the motor down all fall.


We use one on a 9600 and in corn it really helps. It does take more fuel. It is adjustable too.


where do you get these chips and are they only available on deere combinesIJ Could you in theory get a 9660 to put out similar power to a 9860IJ Boy that would save you a pile of money. What is the cost of a chipIJ


Your 9610 has a mechanical fuel system. Therefore, all you need to do is turn up the pump. Unless of course your pump is already maxed out and if so, that 466 is operating with way too much power and if a lack of power is the problem, then you've probably damaged something already. Otherwise, don't mess with a chip for an engine that old, if you can even find a chip for an engine that old. Power chips are designed to work with electronic fuel systems that are designed (by law - the EPA) without the ability to be turned up mechanically. A power chip is nothing more than an inline resistor used to re-map an engines fuel delivery for optimized performance. This re-map takes place within the electronic fuel system's software, a feature that a 9610 does not have. Besides, having a mechanic turn up your pump on the side will be cheaper than buying a power chip, alot cheaper! The chip just for my pick-up was $600. You can just immagine how much one is for a combine or tractor. I saw one for a cummins engine that went for $1500.


Hmmm,I've been running a 30% power chip in a 9610 for 3 or 4 seasons now.Turned that Kucharized beast into an animal!Only paid something like 6 or 7 hundred Canadian bucks for it.I'm afraid your mistaken Cutter...


A mechanical influenced powerchip does not re-map fuel according to allocation via software. It is simply causing an operation much like a power bulge, whereby additional fuel is added upon the % decrease in engine RPM, but without any fuel optimization ability. You are probably getting more value out of the Kuchar modifications than you are from the chip. Those types of chips have been around a while, but I do not consider them to be of much value as their benefits declare because they cause excessive fuel burn without recourse. Thus, the reason I did not mention them. A chip is not a chip!


I've had a 9610 for several years and have used a power chip in it and also a 9600. And my father also runs one in his 9610 and we have never had a problem. You talk about using excess fuel. You are not always under a full load. Maybe when you are climbing a hill unloading or under wet conditions you would use more fuel but most of the times not. I really did not see any fuel consumption differences. My chip I paid $400 for. The website is www.schlagel.net_power.htm


Sorry - wrong website should be www.schlagel.net_powerchip.htm