We bought the MacDon to have one header to do rice, soybeans, milo, and wheat. We'll never go back. It won't cut quite as close to the ground in soybeans, but it feeds so much better. We had a learning curve to get it cutting low enough without hitting dirt. The secret I've found is to run the springs as light as you can without the header bouncing. We've run 1020's for years, and never could get them to feed right. This thing will feed tall viney beans, short beans, grass, vines, etc so evenly that you don't have to worry about slugs. We had so much rain this spring and summer that we had areas of large barnyardgrass in some the the low areas where the beans drowned out. We hardly even slowed down through those spots. We have a problem with fire ant mounds chocking up flex headers, especially in no-till fields. The draper header won't get choked up on these, and much of the dirt will fall off the belt when it hits the middle section. Anyway, we like the header.