If you have ever plugged the rotor and killed your tractor then chances are you have started the problem. What usually happens is the long input shaft bends, throws off the clearance on the gears and then they disentegrate. You can take the covers off and measure clearances between the gears is one possible way to check. I had a guy tell me to drill a hole above the input shaft in the housing and see if the long shaft is bent by using a micrometer or even something like a welding rod with a mark on it resting on the shaft while you turn it slowly should show if it is bent. Then thread the hole and screw in a plug. Another rule of thumb is that if you have less than 200 hp in front you may never hurt the gearbox and only a bearing wearing out would cause trouble. I also know that the Case dealer at Chamberlain, Sk will repair only what is needed and will straighten the shaft once instead of a total rebuild. $1500 instead of $5000. This will probably cause some questions so ask them. We ran 2 1482's for 10 years.