Combines pulley removal on N5


You shouldn't have to remove or loosen cylinder torque sensor driven sheave to remove rear feed conveyor drive sheave. I have had to remove a reverser sprocket on occasion but rarely. If you remove belt and reverser chain and then unbolt drive sheave you should be able to slip it by drive hub on rear feed shaft and cylinder drive sheave.If the splines are wore bad enough you may need to remove and replace shaft. AandI Products offer this shaft at a reduced price compared to OEM. Hyper Harvest II


Bring it on! What I really enjoy about this forum is all the people who willingly share what they have learned. If not for people like Hyper II, Dan, Tom Russell, tbran and others my N6 would have gone down the road long ago. Instead I now have a machine that can do as good if not better than allot of $$$$ machines. Pete Hinrichsen