Pumpkin problems


Farm Hand
I tried growing my own pumpkins this year and it didn't work out, so I'm wondering where I went wrong. I grew two heirloom varieties - Rogues and Jack Be Littles. I didn't run into trouble until the fruit started growing. All of the fruit on my Jack Be Littles have busted and split before they could finish developing. The fruit on my Rogues seem to fall away from the vine before it's time. I'm going to try again next year, so I'd like to know how to improve.


Golden Chicken
I'm not entirely sure, but I think your Rogues are those giant pumpkins, right? My guess is that your pumpkins started getting heavy and needed more support. A dog, cat, squirrel or rabbit could've been messing around with the fruit or vines and it detached. Heavy winds or rain could've caused it as well. Your little pumpkins are a bit easier to solve. Usually when a fruit or vegetable starts splitting like that, it's due to erratic watering or a sudden change in the temperature.


Farm Hand
Pumpkin farming is usually a new adventure for most farmers, with weeds, local wildlife, or disease always posing a threat. At times the plants are lost to natural causes. You could think of trying out other varieties like Wee B Little Pumpkins or Jack O Lantern Pumpkins.


Golden Chicken
I had the same problem with my pumpkins this year. They got too big and pulled off the vines. They weren't ripe yet so we had some green pumpkins this year.